
Research on rules, practices, methodologies and tools for the assessment of Key Competences in partner countries


The Research on rules, practices and tools for the assessment and certification of Key Competences in the Partners’ Countries has the purpose to provide an overview that will constitute a basis that will support the adapting and transferring the Vintage model and the realization of the TASK Framework. The Research includes rules, regulations, models, practices of evaluation and certification of Key Competences in the partners’ countries, especially referred to ISCED2 (lower secondary school) and ISCED3 (upper secondary school) levels. Its objectives are the following:

• to gather the most recent rules and regulation about evaluation and certification of Key Competences concerning school education;

• to gather and analyse methods, approaches, tools for evaluating the Key Competences;

• to gather the assessment models and the instruments;

• to compose all these elements in a comparative synoptic frame;

• to generate a comparative synoptic map of the Key Competences that are object of assessment and certification in the lower/upper secondary school curricula of the partners’ countries.


TASK Research Cover

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